Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Individual Technology Assessment

I have been out of the classroom for many years due to a series of personal tragedies in my life, and so my skills have atrophied unfortunately.
Upon reflection, I am not up to date with many social networking items such as facebook and twitter. I have seen too many abuses of the technology against teachers by vengeful individuals, and too many other teachers who leave an innocent comment are taken out of context and face harsh punishment for something they thought was innocent.  Many friends and family use the technology but I have not really had a need to do so until recently.

 However, I grew up with computers and the technology and never really found them difficult to learn or update my skills with. If anything I am perhaps too hard on my technology as I expect it to be able to do more than it may have been designed for.  I have always been the type that if I see a need or area of definable weakness I sit and do the research  and skills practice to become proficient with what I need or want to do.

  I adapt to new challenges and tend to enjoy playing with new technology to see how it works. My adaptability and love of learning are what I consider to be great strengths and those will help me get past my weaknesses. Technology doesn’t intimidate me.

 Weaknesses are simply temporary to me, at least in regards to technology. To be blunt, practice, learning and asking questions are my solution to my weaknesses. You learn by doing it is true, but first you need to know where you are weak.   

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